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Save time by Automating Supplier Data processing in your e-commerce platform.

With ConnectingTheDots' Product Data Boarding you can process more data with less effort and maintenance. Without programming you can easily combine all your data sources and define complex logic. This way you always have the data you want at your disposal and you keep control over the quality.

Automate your Product Data Onboarding   â—Ź   Intuitive UX   â—Ź   Middleware for Product Data   â—Ź   Cloud-based   â—Ź   ETL

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PIMeCommerce oplossing van ConnectingTheDots. Ontdek waarom klanten kiezen voor de e-commerce oplossing van CTD. Salesforce Commerce Cloud.


This is how you finally solve your data challenges.

Do you want to make your e-commerce business, with large and complex data streams, more effective and efficient (and get your people back to doing more fun things than sifting through Excel sheets)? Then our Product Data Loader is the solution for you. Our Product Data Loader consists of two modules that, when combined, form the perfect tool for your business.

  • Data Portal: Simplifies the management of externally supplied data by accepting all data formats and seamlessly integrating updates, full or incremental. You simply configure which data you want and don't want and immediately see what has changed. Data Portal delivers data to the rest of your landscape in a standardized JSON format for streamlined and efficient integration.
  • Data Mapper: Provides you with a seamless solution to map and convert different data models and merge data from multiple sources according to your own business logic. Data Mapper then sends the data in the output format of your choice to ConnectingTheDots PIM, another PIM or your ERP. This simplifies your data management and ensures that you get maximum value from your data.

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ETL: Extract, Transform, Load. Three letters, but the heart of every successful data operation.

  • Extract: Gather product data from all available sources, from supplier files to your ERP or data brokers.
  • Transform: Turn raw data into valuable information by applying rules, enriching the data, and merging various datasets. This ensures complete, consistent, and accurate product content.
  • Load: Upload the optimized product data into your PIM system or other platforms, making it immediately ready for use across all your channels.


Helps you with all the challenges of data integration.

When integrating data from data suppliers, you encounter the same problems over and over again:

  • Data in different formats: Excel, CSV, JSON, XML, all mixed up and everything requires its own technical approach.
  • Different structures: Within those different formats, different structures that do not fit your data model. For example, every supplier deals differently with articles in different colors and sizes.
  • Different delivery methods: one delivers full dumps, the other incremental updates.
  • Varying data quality: meaning you are always looking for the best data in different datasets.

Solving these problems starts in the Data Portal, where you define your data suppliers and specify for each supplier how you want to retrieve the data. It doesn't matter in which format they deliver the data: Data Portal can process and analyze all common formats.

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PIM Product Informatie Management oplossing van ConnectingTheDots. Maak het productbeheer eenvoudiger met CTD PIM
PIM Product Informatie Management oplossing van ConnectingTheDots. Maak het productbeheer eenvoudiger met CTD PIM


Passageway to your entire landscape.

The Data Mapper reads the JSON object that the Data Portal creates and transforms it by converting, merging and/or normalizing data and sending it to your PIM or ERP. All things that you might still have hard-to-maintain code or scripts for. Or that you even do manually. Without writing any code, you can use the Data Mapper to:

  • Choose your own data schema and output format. Decide for yourself how you work with the data in your landscape, completely independent of how it is delivered
  • Choose which source you choose for which field. Combine the images from supplier A with the titles and specifications from supplier B and thus arrive at the highest possible data quality
  • Splitting and routing data. Different datasets to different systems? Sounds logical, but often it is a lot of programming work. Not in the Data Mapper.

The user interface of our Data Mapper is what makes it unique. Many extras ensure that you can do much more than with standard ETL  tooling. For example, you can search through supplied data to quickly find the specifications you need and there are many converters included by default, for sizes, dimensions and such, that you would otherwise have to build or define yourself.

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“So many customers asked us: How do I process the huge amounts of data from my suppliers in my e-commerce environment? That's why we developed a solution that we like to work with ourselves: the Product Data Loader.”

Max Schrevelius, ConnectingTheDots


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Discover how we help our customers with their product data challenges in PIM and product information management. From optimizing and enriching data to streamlining processes, we make product information simple and effective.

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What the Product Data Loader brings you.

We’ve packed our Product Data Loader with features that make data management in a complex e-commerce environment easier and faster. Here’s what all those handy features bring you:

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Save time through automation: because manual work and endless, error-prone Excel sheets disappear from your data process, you free up people and time for other important work.

Flexibility and scalability: Changing rules, adding data sources? All this can be done quickly and without writing code.

Proven product: Product Data Loader is already running at major e-commerce parties such as ANWB, Wehkamp and United Retail.

Real-time insights and analysis: finally see where everything comes from and what the quality is.

Easy to integrate: whether you use ConnectingTheDots PIM or your own PIM, it doesn't matter. Your data flows where you want it to go, including to your ERP.

Compliance and reporting: you know where your data comes from, so you can always trace errors back to the source.

Consistent data quality: with granular control over what you import and what you don’t, you always have the best data.

Cost savings: less manual work, fewer errors and therefore a more efficient operation.


Frequently asked questions about the Product Data Loader.

Want to know more about the Product Data Loader or maybe have a question? Let us know and we will be happy to help you!

Ask your Question
  • Is the Product Data Loader easy to implement?

    Yes, the integration is very simple. Whether you use ConnectingTheDots PIM or your own PIM system, it doesn't matter. Your data flows to wherever you want it to go. And it doesn’t necessarily have to be your PIM; the data can also be sent to your ERP, POS system, or other business tools.

  • What does the implementation process look like?

    Is your organization somewhat tech-savvy? Then implementing these two tools can be done very quickly. Someone who is familiar with no-code and can work with JSON can get up to speed with the Data Portal and Data Mapper within a day. If you don’t have those people available, we can provide training or handle the entire implementation for you.

  • Can I see the Product Data Loader in action?

    Do you want to see Product Data Loader in action? We have a fully equipped demo environment with a large, realistic dataset and examples of highly complex logic. We’d be happy to show it to you.

  • What are popular Product Data Loader use cases?

    There are many reasons why organizations use the Product Data Loader. Here are a few examples:

    Integration with external data sources: Importing product information from suppliers or partners to keep the catalog up to date.

    Improving data quality: Cleaning and enriching existing product data to ensure accuracy and completeness.

    Product data migration: Transferring product information from one system to another during system upgrades or when switching platforms.

    Even when there are multiple suppliers for a single product, the Product Data Loader allows you to easily combine information from multiple suppliers. You can also mention the automatic conversions you can perform on incoming data, such as converting different units like weights.

  • What are the costs?

    We offer the Product Data Loader as a SaaS solution starting from €699 per month. The final investment depends on the scale and complexity of your business. You should weigh the investment in the Product Data Loader against the efficiency gains and growth opportunities that such a solution provides. Shall we calculate together whether the Product Data Loader is cost-effective for you?


Want to see Product Data Loader in action?

Want to see Data Mapper and Data Portal in action? We have a fully set up demo environment with a large, realistic dataset and examples of very complex logic. We would be happy to show you.

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